
you make my world SWEETER (Scrap Our Stash DT Work)

Hello Scrappers! This is my layout for the Pick Your Side Sketch Challenge from Scrap Our Stash! Here are the sketches, and you must include FLOWERS in your layout. I chose the left sketch:)
こんにちは!Scrap Our Stash の新しいチャレンジで作ったレイアウトを紹介します。2つのスケッチのうち、どちらかを選んで作ること、お花を入れることが条件です。私は左側のスケッチを使いました。

I started with tearing black striped paper and adhered it to white cardstock. I also cut two strips of blue paper, punched them with a border punch and adhered it too. Then I spread gesso and faded the stripes and borders a little bit. After it had dried, I spread yellow paint and on the background. I fussy cut a lot of flowers from patterned paper and layered them around the picture like a frame. I love how bright and colorful they are, and how it matches my daughter's nails. I made a little cluster of flowers on the left bottom too. The title is a little long, but these black thicker alphas were the perfect size. Here are some close-ups;



Thank you so much for stopping by, and I hope you will play along! Have fun!!
Instagram URL http://instagram.com/natsukoslittlecraftroom

Natsuko xxx



Hi! Another exciting Challenge is out in CSI and it's called the COLD CASE FILE. It is a bonus challenge for those who want to use their old stash. That is something I definitly want to do!! Recently, I receive a lot of questions about what I do with all my layouts. Because I have so many, it's already difficult to keep them all in albums. Maybe I could if I have a big house with a lot of space...but Japanese houses are not that big, and a 12 inch album is not a popular size. I keep them in storage boxes, but I decided to organize them. I love each and every layout but it's the process of making them that I enjoy, and I keep the pictures in my PC anyway, so I decided to renovate some of my old layouts. This Challenge was a good way to start! Using my old stash and old pictures.
こんにちは!今年から CSI の新たなチャレンジが発表されました。古いペーパーや材料を消費する目的で作られたチャレンジです。これはやりたい!!最近よく聞かれるのが、完成したレイアウトをどうしてるのですか??という質問。たくさんあるので、すべてをアルバムに入れるのはかさばるし大変です。特に日本は欧米と違って家も小さいですし、収納スペースも限られています。12インチアルバムも、日本ではあまり実用的ではないサイズ。現在私はプロテクターに入れたレイアウトを収納ケースにざっくり入れていますが、これを機に整理することに。それぞれのレイアウトに愛情がありますが、私はどちらかというと、作るプロセスを楽しんでいるのと、写真はパソコンに保存しているので、古いレイアウトを処分し、同じ写真を使って新しいレイアウトを作るのもいいのかなと。リノベーションですね♪ このチャレンジは、いいきっかけになりました。古い写真と古い材料で新しいものを作る。

I used an old picture of my daughter. I had scrapped this picture 10 years ago, but I printed it again and made a new layout and threw away the old one. I used a Paige Evans cut file, and backed it with some old paper that I had for a couple of years. I did a lot of stamping, and used them as embellies. I also added a wooden flair, enamel dots, old brads that I had for almost a decade! and rhinestones. Here are some close-ups;

写真は、10年前に一度スクラップしたものを再度プリントし、古いものは処分しました。Paige Evans のカットファイルを使い、数年前のペーパーを後ろに貼りつけました。スタンプをたくさん、エンベリとして使い、さらに木のボタンや10年前からあるブラッズ、エナメルドッツ、ラインストーンなどで飾りつけました。クローズアップです♪


It's not that I'm throwing away all the old layouts, I still keep my favorites. Some people say, take a picture of the layouts and then you can throw them away, but nothing is better than the real thing. So, I still have a LOT of layouts but I will keep on renovating them:) Anyways, I hope you will join us in this challenge, especially if you have a lot of stash! Thank you so much for stopping by and have a nice day!

Instagram URL http://instagram.com/natsukoslittlecraftroom

Natsuko xxx


together (CSI CASE FILE #270 DT Work)

Happy mid-month!! Today's layout is based on the case file from CSI. I was inspired by the word GATHER Together. This is a picture of my daughter and her childhood friends. Although they go to different schools, they are still great buddies and I hope they will be forever!

こんにちは!はや1月も半分過ぎましたね!今日のレイアウトは、 CSI のDTワークです。GATHER Together というタイトルからインスピレーションをもらいました。娘と、娘の幼馴染の写真を使いました。今は、学校がバラバラでしょっちゅうは会えませんが、変わらず大の仲良し!ずっとそうであってほしいなぁ♡

I printed the photo in sepia to match the color palette. From the evidence, I chose metal, flowers, clock, wood veneer, texture paste and stencils. With texture paste and a stencil, I created a pattern on the background. I watered down distress oxcide and painted over the patterns. I fussy cut some flowers, leaves and houses. The colors were perfect! I pulled out some metal clocks and a wooden clock, a metal brad and word stickers. I put them all together and finished the layout! Here are the close-ups;


Hope you will enjoy creating from this case file! Thank you so much for stopping by and have a lovely day!
Instagram URL http://instagram.com/natsukoslittlecraftroom

Natsuko xxx


SUPER FRIENDS (Scrap Our Stash DT Work)

Hi! Today I'm happy to share my layout for Scrap Our Stash! 2019 starts with the Saturday Cartoons Challenge! The rule is to create a layout inspired by the image and sketch plus you must include 3+Stars on your layout.
こんにちは!今日は、Scrap Our Stash の新しいチャレンジで作ったレイアウトを紹介します。2019年はこのチャレンジでスタート!ルールは、カートゥーンのイメージとスケッチを使ってレイアウトを作ること、それから星を3つ以上使うこと♪

I was inspired by the background and title of the picture. First I painted some strokes with several colors and splattered some more around them. Then I cut a strip of star patterned paper and adhered it vertically. I used one picture instead of two, and placed a framed journal next to it. I cut out some animals and adhered three of them. I made a flag with a diecut piece and a toothpick and adhered it on top of one of the animals. For embellishments, I used an acrylic arrow and triangles, wooden flairs, star puffy stickers and star shaped pearly pieces. The title was perfect for my photo! My daughter and her gang friends were always up to something, and they were so cute together, full of mischief. I wanted to create a fun boyish page and I think I succeeded:) Here are the close-ups;


Hope you will enjoy this new Challenge, and create something fun! Thank you so much for stopping by and have a lovely day!
皆さんも新しいチャレンジを楽しんでくださいね!たくさんのご参加をお待ちしています♪ 訪問して下さり、ありがとうございました。素敵な一日を♡
Instagram URL http://instagram.com/natsukoslittlecraftroom

Natsuko xxx


Hi there! I'm spending some crafy days and I'm happy to share a layout that I made today. This is my daughter playing the piano and singing. She was so happy and it made everyone smile:) I wanted to make a colorful and bright layout with the pictures. I cut out flowers and birds from patterned paper, and combined them with the photo, frames and diecuts. Before adhering them, I did a bit of mixed media. I painted the background with watercolors after spreading clear gesso. After it had dried, I placed everything and adhered them. I also added some stickers and a chipboard title, splattered some acrylic black paint and journaling. I love how happy it turned out. Here are some close-ups;
こんにちは!このところスクラップづいてます(笑) 今回は、出来立てほやほやのレイアウトを紹介します。これは、ピアノを弾きながら歌っているご機嫌な娘の写真です。あまりにも幸せそうだったので、写真を見るとその時を思い出して顔がほころんでしまいます。なので、カラフルで明るいレイアウトに仕上げようと思いました。まず、パターンペーパーからお花と鳥をカットアウトし、写真とフレーム、ダイカットなどと組み合わせました。貼りつける前に、背景にクリアジェッソを塗り、水彩絵の具で着色しました。乾いた後すべて配置し貼りつけて、ステッカーとチップボードのタイトルを加え、ジャーナルを書いて黒のアクリル絵の具を散らしました。楽しい雰囲気に仕上がったと思います♪ クローズアップです!

Thank you so much for visiting, and I hope you all have a wonderful day!!

Instagram URL http://instagram.com/natsukoslittlecraftroom

Natsuko xxx


MAGIC SMILE (Let's Get Sketchy DT Work)

Hi again! Here comes another layout!! This is what I made for the new sketch from Let's Get Sketchy! Here is the sketch:)

こんにちは!どんどん行きますよー♪ Let's Get Sketchy の新しいスケッチで作ったレイアウトです。こちらがスケッチ。
I used purple as my main color, which is really rare but I love how it turned out! What I did with this layout is...fussy cutting! I cut flowers and leaves from patterned paper and and created a frame around the photo. It was quite time consuming since I cut out the tiny flowers too, but I did that while watching my favorite TV show, and I love the result! After adding the title, I splattered white acrylic paint and tada! finished!! Here are some close-ups;

今回のメインカラーは、珍しく紫にしてみました。そして今回のメイン作業はカットアウト!パターンペーパーからお花と葉っぱをたくさんカットアウトしました。小さいお花もたくさんあったので、かなり時間がかかりましたが、好きなテレビ番組を見ながらチョキチョキ。全然苦になりませんでした。しかも結構気に入ってます(^○^) タイトルをつけて、最後に白いアクリル絵の具を飛ばしたら完成!クローズアップをどうぞ♪

I think I love this color combo! All these years I thought purple was such a difficult color, but I love how it goes well with yellow, my favorite color! Thank you so much for stopping by, and I hope you will try new colors too! It's really fun!!

この色の組み合わせ、結構好きかも!!長年、紫は難しい色で避けがちでしたが、大好きな黄色と合わせると素敵!また使いたいな♡ 訪問して下さり、ありがとうございました。皆さんも是非、新しい色にトライしてみて下さい!楽しいですよ♪

Instagram URL http://instagram.com/natsukoslittlecraftroom

Natsuko xxx


Hi Scrappy friends!! My second layout this year is made with the Case File from CSI! This time it's a birthday theme:) Here is the casefile!

スクラッパーの皆さんこんにちは!今年2つ目のレイアウトは、CSI のDTワークです。今回のテーマは誕生日!こちらがチャレンジです。

I used several elements from the Evidence; stitching, banner and hearts.


These are pictures of my daughter at Tokyo Disneyland. We took her there as a birthday present, and she was so excited the whole time. When I look at these pictures, they bring back happy memories and make us smile:)

写真は、娘を東京ディズニーランドに連れて行った時のものです。お誕生日のお祝いに連れて行ったのですが、終始テンションが高くて大喜びでした♪ この写真を見ると、その時の楽しい思い出がよみがえってきます。

I used a turquoise background and layered a diecut that I colored with pink shimmery paint. I hand-stitched through the holes of the diecut with two diffterent colors. I pulled out some frames and layered them on and under the pictures. I popped up several diecuts around the pictures, cut out small triangles and made a banner. Here are the details;



I didn't used any mixed media this time, but I love the cute colors! What I love about CSI is that there are so many inspirations and hints in one challenge!! Thank you so much for stopping by, and have a nice day!

今回、着色はなしですが、この色の組み合わせ可愛い!CSIのいいところは、一つのチャレンジにヒントやアイデアがたくさん詰まっていること!チャレンジ以外で作るときにも役立つと思いますよ♪ 訪問して下さり、ありがとうございました。素敵な一日を♡

Instagram URL http://instagram.com/natsukoslittlecraftroom

Natsuko xxx

weekend adventure (White...with 1 DT Work)

Happy New Year!! I'm so happy to share my very first layout this year! The Challenge from  White...with 1 starts from this beautiful color; Butter Cream. I love this soft color! There's also a moodboard to go with it, and I was inspired by all the different shapes.

あけましておめでとうございます♪ 今年初めてのレイアウトを紹介します! White...with 1  の1月のチャレンジカラーは、バタークリーム。ソフトな色で素敵!ムードボードもありますよ。私は、色んな形をヒントにしてレイアウトと作りました。

I spread some cream colored watercolor in the middle of white cardstock and layered several straps of ribbon. I machine stitched the center of each ribbon. I die-cutted a circle mesh pattern and layered it under my photo. For more dimention, I adhered foam under the photo and added some flower foam stickers on both sides. I cut a flower shaped ribbon in half and placed them on the top and bottom of the layout. I splattered some more ink and it's done! Simple but I love all the texture and different patterns. Here are some close-ups;


I love the White...with 1 Challenges  because I seem to find a new side of my creations every month by using different colors. Thank you so much for stopping by, and I wish you a very happy and scrappy 2019!!

ここのチャレンジは、毎月違う色がテーマなので新しい発見がたくさん!大好きです♡ 訪問して下さり、ありがとうございました!2019年もハッピーな1年になりますように♪ 今年もよろしくお願いします\(^o^)/

Instagram URL http://instagram.com/natsukoslittlecraftroom

Natsuko xxx