I was organizing my scrapbooking goodies and pictures the other day, and I found this photo. It's my daughter and two of her friends, sitting together. Nothing special, nothing noteworthy but I somehow like this picture. They have been friends since pre-school and until now, they are really close. Whenever they spend time together, they would find something to do, something fun and I just wanted to scrap this natural photo of them. I decided to use up some of my stash for this layout. Since my favorite color is blue and green, I gathered bits and pieces of those colors. I inked the background with shimmery paste and mists and layered strips of paper and torn washi tape. I machine stitched through some of the borders. Here are some close-ups;
先日、スクラップブッキングの材料や写真の整理をしていて、 この写真を見つけました。娘と友達の何気ない写真です。特別でも何でもない写真ですが、自然な感じが気に入っているので、これでSBしようとふと思いたって作ってみました。3人は幼稚園の頃からのお友達で、今もとっても仲良し。一緒にいる時は、何か楽しいことを思いついて遊んでいます。SBをしていると、ペーパーのハギレや余りがたくさん残るので、今回はそれを集めて作ることに。ブルーやグリーンが好きなので、カラーはそれで統一。背景も、同系色のペーストやインクで着色しました。ペーパーや、ちぎったマスキングテープを重ねて貼り、ミシンで縫いました。
It has been a while since I made a layout with no challenge or no sketch, but it was fun in a different way. I should do this more often and use up my stash!! If you have good ideas for that, please tell me!!
Thank you for visiting:)
Natsuko xxx
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