Rule : You must use all three items from any horizontal, vertical or diagonal row. I chose the middle horizontal row. STICHING, FLOWERS and EPHEMERA.
Scrap Our Stash から今月の新しいチャレンジが発表されました!
This is a picture of my daughter when she graduated from pre-school. She has her graduation certificate and looks so proud and happy. Although she never cried going to pre-school, she hated school lunch. The teachers were very strict about eating all of it, and she was always left behind because she couldn't finish on time. She had a small appetite back then, so I was worried but now she eats a lot and eats much faster:) Anyways, beside school lunch she enjoyed pre-school. She made a lot of friends and they are still close although they go to a different elementary school. Now she's in 6th grade! I'm happy that she is happy, healthy and enjoying life so far. I hope she will find something she loves no matter what, and I want to support her.
誇らしく卒園証書を持って笑っている娘の写真で作りました。幼稚園は嫌がらずに、一度も泣かずに行っていた娘ですが、給食が大嫌いでした(笑) 先生たちは、残さず食べることに厳しかったので、スローペースだった娘はいつも時間内に食べられず、残されていました。食も細かったので心配しましたが、今はたくさん、早く食べるようになりました(^○^) 給食以外は楽しかった幼稚園。たくさんお友達も出来ました。その頃のお友達と、小学校が離れた今でも仲良しです。4月から6年生!これまで健康で楽しく過ごせている娘を見ていて、感謝でいっぱい!私も幸せです♪ これから、どんなことでもいいから好きなことを見つけて、夢に向かって進んでほしいな。
I used this striped background but I wanted to soften the stripes a bit, so I spread gesso first. After it dried, I used a mask and gold paste to make diamond shaped patterns. I layered paper, old book paper and some EPHEMERAS under the picture. I used several kinds of FLOWERS and placed them around the photo. I colored the title with the same gold paste as the background and popped it up with foam for dimention. On the upper right and lower left of the layout, I hand STITCHED with black and olive thread. I used paper with strong colors but I'm happy that I was able to create a soft atmosphere. Here are some close-ups;
You have until April 29th to link up! I can't wait to see your layouts!!
Thank you for visiting:)
Natsuko xxx
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