
GLORY OF THE GARDEN (My Creative Scrapbook DT Work)

Hi friends! This is my mini album I made with the leftovers of August's My Creative Scrapbook Limited Edition kit. Now I have used up everything!

おはようございます。今日は、My Creative Scrapbook LEキットの残りで作ったミニアルバムを紹介します。これでキットのすべてを消化!使いきれると気持ちいい!

I cut paper into 3 × 2.5 inches and corner punched the edges. I did a lot of fussy cutting and adhered all the bits and pieces inside. I embellished the front page, punched a hole on all the pages and put them together with a ring. I tied some ribbons I had in my stash, and that's it! It all came together pretty quick!


You can get more information about this and the other kits at My Creative Scrapbook and you can find tons of inspiration in the blog too!

Thank you for visiting,  and have a scrappy day!

このキットと、その他のキットは My Creative Scrapbook で買えますよ~。ブログもどうぞ!

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