
mom life (is) GREAT (Scrap Our Stash DT Work)

Hi!! Today's layout is based on the Sketch Challenge from Scrap Our Stash!
Rule: Create a layout inspired by this sketch and add a stash item from your stash that starts with each letter of the word-MOTHER
I chose M-Metalic Texture Paste, O-Overlay, T-Teal, H-Heart, E-Enamel Dots, R-Rub-ons.
And here is the lovely sketch;

今日のレイアウトは、Scrap Our Stash のスケッチチャレンジで作成!

This is an old picture (8 years ago!!) of when my daughter was in the first year of pre-school. Gee, time flies...The word this month is MOTHER, so I decided to use this picture of me, running around full time as a mom. Well, still running around..lol. Children that age are usually troublesome, so this was my everyday clothes; sneakers, jeans and a waist bag. This day we went to a race track that has a big park. The most popular play equipment among the children was this dome-shaped trampoline. My daughter was scared at first, so I had to hold her and jump together. She got used to it eventually and had fun, but I ended up having a severe muscle pain...lol
I decided to use 2 pictures instead of 1. First, I spread some gesso on the background and sprayed several colors of ink. After it dried, I used metalic paste and a stencil to create the hearts. I didn't mat any paper under the pictures, but directly placed them on the overlaid pieces of paper. The embellies I used are die-cuts, rub-ons, wood veneers, enamel dots and so on. I popped up part of the title with foam. I mostly love the puffy heart! So cute♡


You have until May 29th to finish your layout and link up. Hope you will join us!
Thank you so much for visiting:)


Natsuko xxx


beautiful (Stuck?! Sketches DT Work)

The mid-month Sketch from Stuck?! Sketches has been revealed!! Here is the beautiful sketch♡

5月二つ目のスケッチチャレンジが発 Stuck?! Sketches から発表されました!こちらがスケッチ♡

My daughter in a bath tub in a hotel in Guam. The bubbly bath and the beautiful view from the window made my daughter so happy! She put bubbles all over herself and enjoyed bathing.

グアムのホテルのお風呂です(笑) 泡風呂+外の景色が見えるお風呂に娘、大喜び!泡をいっぱいつけて遊んでいました♪

I started inking the background as usual. This time the colors are pink and green. I didn't use gesso and misted directly to the paper. I layered paper, diecuts and lace paper, and popped up just the title. I tied yellow twine to the tag for accent. I punched some circles and decorated around with dew drops. I love the look:) I splattered black acrylic ink and finished the layout. My favorite is the swan. My daughter looked like a swan in the bath, lol! Here are some details;


The sponsors for this challenge are the following;
CHARM CREATIONS is offering a $20 gift certificate (ギフト券).
and Wycinanka is offering a themed prize pack (賞品パック).

You have until May 29th to link up and have a chance to win the prize!
Thank you so much for visiting:)
Natsuko xxx

INSPIRE ME (Colorful Creations DT Work)

The mid-month Challenge from Colorful Creations is 'What Inspires You?'
What inspires you to be the creator you are, what inspires your creativity, your goals dreams, what or who keeps you grounded. Think of a person, place, music, season, etc. Create something that inspires you. Along with who inspires you, use your favorite embellishments!
Colorful Creations の今月二つ目のチャレンジは'What Inspires You?' です。
Inspire は、ひらめきや、刺激を与えるというような意味ですが、何に、または誰から刺激を受けて今の自分があるか、どんなことからレイアウトが生まれるか。場所、人、音楽、季節などなど、何でもいいのでひらめきをくれるものを考えて、お気に入りの材料を使いながら作ってみてね♪

My family, especially my daughter inspires me in many ways. I started scrapping because I wanted to embrace the moments (whether it is special or not) we have together.  I feel grateful whenever I scrap, and it's also my therapy. I love bright colors and layers of paper and use a lot of them in my layouts. I wasn't so interested in art before, but I realized that this is something I will love forever!

This time I used a picture of my husband and daughter. We went to Tango Peninsula in Kyoto, and after we swam in the beach, we came back to the hotel and there was a fair. My daughter wanted to play, and this is a picture taken then.

I used the package technique and smudged several ink on the background and also splattered some around it. I fussy cut frames and a camera from patterned paper and layered them randomly. Underneath the picture, I put gauze and foam and popped it up. I scattered some sequins and chipboard and I love how it turned out! Here are some details;

私は家族、特に娘からインスピレーションをもらうことが多いです。スクラップブッキングを始めたのも、いろんな瞬間(特別な時もそうでないときも)を大事にしたかったからです。レイアウトを作ることは精神安定剤のようなもの??と言っても過言ではない(笑) 明るくカラフルな色とペーパーをたくさん重ねるのが好きなので、よくレイアウトに使います。昔は芸術的なことにあまり興味がなかったのですが、これは生涯続けたい!



The Challenge is open til May 29th. I hope you will join us!! Enjoy!
Thank you for visiting:)
Natsuko xxx


Hello! (Scrap Our Stash DT Work)

The May 1st Tic Tac Toe Stash Challenge has been revealed from Scrap Our Stash!
Rule : You must use all three items from any horizontal, vertical or diagonal row. I chose the bottom row. 4+PATTERN PAPER, TICKET, FEATHER.

Scrap Our Stash から今月の新しいチャレンジが発表されました!

I used this picture of my daughter with the Olive mascot in Shodo Island. As you can guess, Shodo Island is famous for olives. When we checked out the hotel on the last day of our stay, my daughter found him sitting on the sofa, ran to him and asked if he would take a picture with her. Cute♡

I cut out the middle of this flowery paper and attached it on a white cardstock. I then cut out several squares from several patterned papers, and placed them on the cardstock. After applying a light coat of gesso, I smudged and sprayed several colors of ink over the squares. I must say I have covered up most of the squares, but you can still see some of them. I decorated around with flowers (lots of them!!) and put a big title on the other side. To lift up the picture a bit, I put foam underneath and placed a border, feathers and tickets around it. It is kind of busy, but I think the black title has spiced it up a bit. Here are some details;



This Challenge closes at May 29th, so don't forget to link up by then!
Thank you for visiting:)

Natsuko xxx


Summer (Stuck?! Sketches DT Work)

Hello! The new sketch from Stuck?! Sketches has been revealed and this is my take!
It's a bit early but I used summer pictures of my daughter! Here is the sketch♡

こんにちは!Stuck?! Sketches から新しいスケッチが発表されましたよ!私は、少し早いけど夏の写真を使って作りました。こちらがスケッチ!

These are pictures when our family went to Guam. My daughter was challenging herself to run across the floating ladder without falling. This challenge is definitely easier for kids! You should have seen all the adults including my husband falling off and making huge splashes!! lol
For my background I used this paper which is actually a Christmas collection!! I used acrylic paint and a stencil to create the bubbles. I distressed the borders and mats for the pictures and layered them on lace paper. I twisted a ribbon and tied each side and stuck it on the border. I love the dimention it creates. Here are some close-ups;
家族でグアムに行った時の写真を使いました。落っこちずに向こう側まで行けるか、チャレンジする娘。子供の方が断然上手い!旦那さん含む大人たちの不格好なこと!(笑) ものすごいしぶきをあげてました!

The generous sponsors of this challenge are the following;

The Scrap Room is offering a $20 gift certificate.(ギフト券)


 Accent Scrapbooking is offering a $25 gift certificate.(ギフト券)

I love this sketch and I love how it turned out! It reminded me of how much I love creating summer layouts♪ Now it's your turn!!
Thank you for visiting:)


Natsuko xxx

you are lovely (Colorful Creations DT Work)

Hi scrappers!! I've been quite busy lately, and I haven't made a lot of layouts as usual...But today, I'm happy to reveal my layout for Colorful Creations! This month's first challenge is THROWBACK! Use anything that reminds you of something in the past. I made a layout using die cuts cut out with my Big Shot Machine, and an old Border Punch. I used to use them a lot of in the past.
スクラッパーの皆さん、こんにちは♪ 最近忙しくてあまりレイアウトを作れていませんが、今日は、Colorful Creations の新しいレイアウトを紹介します。今月最初のチャレンジは、THROWBACKです。THROWBACKとは、過去の出来事を思い出す、というような意味です。今回は、過去を思い出させるものなんでもいいので使ってレイアウトをつくること。私は、昔はよく使ったダイカットマシンでダイをカットしたり、ボーダーパンチを使ったレイアウトを作りました。
This is my daughter wearing a dress! She had pictures taken in a kimono, and I asked her if she wants to wear a dress too and she immediately said "The red one!!" That was the first time she insisted something girly but her poses were not! lol. Anyways she enjoyed having a little make up on and her hair done.
I wanted this layout to be girly with lots of red and pink. I cut out paper and put frills around it. Then I applied some gesso and ink for the background. I cut out girly shaped dies and placed it around the picture. I popped up the title and embellished with some wooden pieces. Here are some details;
娘のドレス姿!七五三の着物撮影をしていたのですが、ドレスも着てみる?と聞くと、すかさず「赤いのがいい!」と娘。そんな女の子っぽいことを言ったのはこれが初めて!!ポーズはそんなことありませんでしたが(笑) 少しお化粧をしてもらったり、髪の毛をセットしてもらったりして、楽しかったみたいです。

It was nice to dig in to some of the old stuff. I promised myself to use them more often:)
I'm wondering what everyone will use and I'm so excited to know! Make sure to link up by the 29th.
Thank you so much for visiting:)


Natsuko xxx